Fuel Up At Our Full-Service Fuel Dock in Newport News, VA

Marine fuels are very similar to the types of fuel you would use in your car, but they’re created specifically for use in boats and other water craft. There are a variety of fuels types that you can use based on the type and size of your craft and first time-boat owners may be unsure as to which is the best fuel to use at their first trip to a fuel dock in Newport News, VA.

Just like with gasoline, marine fuel comes in a variety of different grades, such as DMA, DMB, DMC, DMX, and IFO-180. The size and function of your boat would determine the fuel grade you want to use, as each engine functions at different capacities. At Deep Creek Landing, we offer both mid-grade unleaded and marine diesel at our full-service fuel dock in Newport News, VA.

Personal Boats

Smaller boats are able to be fueled with the same type of gasoline as your car, which can include diesel fuel. Though it may seem more convenient to grab gas for your boat while you’re filling up your car, fueling up at our fuel dock in Newport News, VA can help take the stress off of needing gas should you run out during your stay.

Commercial/Larger Boats

The larger the boat, the more specific the fuel types become. Fuel for larger and commercial boats has a completely different classification than the average fuel used by smaller boats and cars. Marine gas oil (MGO) can sometimes contain waste products, such as used motor oil

Marine diesel oil (MDO) is also composed differently than regular diesel fuel. Unlike the diesel you fuel your car with, MDO contains some heavy fuel oil. Though our fuel dock in Newport News, VA isn’t necessarily equipped to service large commercial boats, it’s important to understand the differences in fuel so you can be sure to fill yours with the proper type.

At Deep Creek Landing, we strive to provide the best services for all who make port at our full-service marina. Our fuel dock in Newport News, VA is the perfect place to fill up your boat’s tank while also stocking up on sunscreen, hats, and snacks at our Ship’s Store. Contact us at Deep Creek Landing today at (757) 877-9555 to learn more about the services we offer.


Source: https://www.clipperoil.com/